Simplify Your Work with Web Scrapers

Ever wished for a magic wand to collect code solutions or music datasets? Well, I’ve got the next best thing – a set of web scrapers! Whether you’re a code enthusiast or a music data geek, these tools will make your life a whole lot easier. Say goodbye to manual labor and hello to automated awesomeness!

Scrapper for 🔗

A crawler to scrape all the songs from using NodeJS & puppeteer. It scrapes all the songs from the website and stores them in a JSON file. The project is built with Node.js as the core language and Puppeteer for headless web scraping. It formulated a large Bangla music dataset.

Codeforces Code Downloader 🔗

By this code, you can download your all accepted solutions from Codeforces overnight.

SPOJ Code Downloader 🔗

By this code, you can download your all accepted solutions from Spoj overnight.

LightOJ Code Downloader 🔗

By this code, you can download your all accepted solutions from LightOJ overnight.